Men’s Health Matters |Is Urolift a solution to BPH?

(Family Features) While family history and age cannot be changed, there are everyday steps men can follow to take charge of their health, including prostate health. Men need to learn that men’s health matters. Men can even prevent problems down the road.

Consider these five tips to help lead a healthier lifestyle

1. Get checked out regularly

Just because you’re healthy doesn’t mean you should eschew routine checkups including self-examinations. The older you get, the more important it is. While regular visits to your health care provider can keep you up-to-date on preventative screenings and immunizations, getting to know your own body can have similar benefits.

2. Care for your prostate.

If you have any of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is otherwise known as enlarged prostate. (1)

  • Frequent urination
  • Weak or slow urine stream
  • Incomplete bladder emptying
  • Difficulty or delay in starting urination
  • A urine stream that stops and starts

Enlarged prostate, which is non-cancerous and affects more than 40 million American men, can also cause loss of productivity and sleep, according to research published in the “Journal of Urology.” (2) (3) Medication is often the first line of treatment. With medication, some patients may suffer uncomfortable side effects including dizziness, headaches and sexual dysfunction. These side effects can prompt them to quit using their medications. (4)

“Many men living with BPH symptoms take prescription medications after they have been diagnosed, but relief can be inadequate and temporary,” said Dr. Peter Walter, M.D., urologist and paid consultant for Teleflex Incorporated, the manufacturer of the UroLift® System.

As one alternative to medication, an option like the UroLift System treatment is a minimally invasive procedure. It doesn’t require any cutting, heating or removal of prostate tissue. (5) A urologist places small implants to lift and move enlarged prostate tissue so it no longer blocks the urethra. The procedure can allow for normal urine flow. The most common side effects are mild to moderate. Patients generally can return to their normal routines with minimal downtime. For more information about treatment options, or to find a urologist near you who treats BPH, visit

Good health includes excercise

3. Focus on a more nutritious diet

Aim for a pattern of healthier eating that includes more fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens. Lettuce, spinach, kale, and broccoli are great choices. They can help keep you – and your prostate – healthy. (6) Also, try to cut back on consumption of red meat – specifically processed meat – as well as salt and sweets.

4. Know your numbers

Be sure to discuss your family history and lifestyle with your doctor as he or she may recommend screenings for diseases and common ailments. Be sure to keep up with these screenings. Check-in with your doctor to make sure you’re accounting for milestone ages and common ailments associated with aging.

5. Make exercise a priority.

Exercise is key to maintaining the quality of life. The American Heart Association recommends at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity for adults. (7) Even shorter increments of physical activity multiple times a day can provide health and stress-relieving benefits. Such activities include:

  • A walking meeting,
  • Opting for the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Parking farther from your destination

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1. Speakman et al. 2014 BJUI International
2. Berry, J Urol 1984 and 2017 U.S. Census population estimates.
3. NeoTract US Market Model estimates for 2018 based on IMS Health Drug and Procedure data
4. AUA BPH Guidelines 2003, 2010, 2018
5. Roehrborn J Urol 2013 LIFT Study
6. Tips for Keeping a Healthy Prostate. (n.d.) Retrieved from
7. (2019). American Heart Association Recommendations for Physical Activity in Adults and Kids. [online] Available at:


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